Ukraine War Should Trigger Wheat Production In Africa, Says AU Commissioner For Agriculture
Africa June 22, 2022

Photo: Wheat Farming In Kenya
Talking to BBC World News recently about the global food crisis emanating from the ongoing war in Ukraine, African Union (AU)’s Commissioner for Agriculture Yosefa Sacko seemed to suggest that the crisis may not be relevant to Africa, instead the war should trigger increased food production in the continent.
Referring to wheat in particular, the commissioner observed that Africa has abundant arable land suitable for wheat production. As such, instead of talking about shortage in supply of wheat from Ukraine and Russia, Africa should be preoccupied with doing what is required to produce more wheat on the ample arable land.
In other words, probably, what Ms Sacko was saying is that Ukraine war should be a wakeup call for Africa, that it is time the continent begins increasing wheat production to ensuring self-sufficiency. Currently, countries in Africa South of the Sahara that produce wheat include: South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Sudan.
Surprisingly, despite wheat food products not been staple food in many countries in Africa South of the Sahara, some Western media have so far been putting the region on top position when trying to rank geographical regions that they think are most affected by the Ukraine war global food crisis. It is perhaps in response to this flawed reporting that President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda recently said he doesn't eat bread, and went on telling Ugandans that they can eat cassava if bread was unavailable due to wheat flour shortages.
All in all, an incredible observation by AU Commissioner for Agriculture. No doubt about that! _____________________________ © 2015 - 2022 Africauptodate. All Rights Reserved