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Tanzania’s President Magufuli The Bulldozer Vanishes Without Trace. Concerning Or Intriguing?


Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Africa | Tanzania March 17, 2021

President John Magufuli alias The Bulldozer of Tanzania has vanished without a trace. The popular president renowned for his distaste of corruption within the public sector, is said to have not been seen in public for about 18 days now. The mysterious vanishing of President Magufuli who reportedly loves talking to his people very often, especially at Sunday morning Roman Catholic mass service that he has never missed until he vanished.

The vanishing of The Bulldozer without a trace has generated opposing arguments locally and internationally, with some people seeing it is a matter of great concern and others seeing it rather intriguing.

On the one hand, those who see the vanishing of President Magufuli from the public scene as a matter of great concern believe that he is ill in a hospital somewhere locally or abroad. The main proponents of this view about the vanished president are the opposition and critics of the president worldwide, with one opposition political party ACT Wazalendo on March 16, 2021 saying that they have information The Bulldozer is unwell and as such the government of Tanzania should say who is now running the East African nation. Even earlier, another opposition party Chadema had argued that ill-health of a president is a matter of great public concern that Tanzanians have right to know. It added that Tanzania’s Constitution spells clearly what needs to be done when president of Tanzania is unwell and unable to execute his official duties.

On the other hand, those seeing the vanishing of President Magufuli rather intriguing, propound that there is no reason for public concern because the president is perfectly fine, having a peaceful moment from the public scene while working hard, somewhere probably in Dar es Salaam, or the capital Dodoma, or his beloved hometown of Chato in north-west of the country. This positive narrative about the vanishing of the president without a trace has so far been propagated by the government and the ruling party supporters. For instance, on March 12, 2021, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa in responding to claims of ill-health of the president, lambasted those behind the claims calling them hateful Tanzanians living abroad. He said the president was in good health and working hard. The PM’s stance was later supported by similar statements from some other senior government officials including the Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan. The later was, however, rather ambiguous and cautious in her utterance.

Because President Magufuli is fine and working hard peacefully somewhere, having made an incredible escape from the public scene without a trace in the modern age of social media and digital tracking, anyone claiming that the president is unwell is breaking the law and will be arrested, according to the government of Tanzania. So far, four people have been arrested for allegedly doing that, to total dismay of the opposition that is now demanding the government to release them immediately and instead provide tangible evidence that The Bulldozer is okay.

With all these unverified opposing arguments about the vanishing of President John Magufuli without a trace, it is impossible to draw any credible conclusions about his whereabouts or health status. Only time will tell!


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