Ethiopia’s Tigray Rebel Troops Take Control Of Mekelle City
Africa | Ethiopia June 28, 2021
Rebel troops belonging to Tigray Defence Force (TDF) on June 28, 2021, took control of Mekelle city, the capital of Tigray region in Ethiopia. That was reported by some media. The rebels are said to have dissolved an interim regional government there that was installed by Ethiopia’s central government in Addis Ababa, after Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) retook the city from rebels some months ago.
Hitherto the capture of Mekelle by TDF rebel troops, ENDF is said to have declared unilateral ceasefire in Tigray and left the region. However, after what has happened in Mekelle, it is not known whether ENDF will now reverse its decision and go back to Tigray and try to retake city. _________________________ © 2015 - 2021 Africauptodate. All Rights Reserved