Anti-Monarchy Protests Erupt In Eswatini
Africa | Eswatini June 26, 2021

Anti-monarchy protests erupted in Mbabane in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) on June 25, 2021, reported some media on June 26, 2021. The protestors said to have been youths were demanding for multi-party democracy and end of monarchical system of government in the country.
Eswatini is among a few countries in the world that still embrace the ancient belief that some people have birth rights to rule others, and that such rights are hereditary. In this tiny Southern African nation, the political system is such that supreme authority is vested in the king. The latter appoints the country’s prime minister and ministers. Also, the king has fully control of the parliament and all others spheres of government.
Whether the protests mark the beginning of the end of monarchy government in Eswatini can not be established at this juncture. _________________________ © 2015 - 2021 Africauptodate. All Rights Reserved